Learn skills to manage those big emotions like frustration, anger, sadness, fear and loneliness.
Reduce the meltdowns, tantrums, verbal or physical outbursts, defiance
Handling emotions appropriately is essential for interacting with others. Social skills are the foundation stone of a child’s development. With better developed social skills children can:
- Have greater school success
- Increase their independence
- Interact with others more positively
- Established and maintain quality friendships
The Stepping Stones workbooks are specially designed to teach strategies to support bright and gifted children in the development of:
- Conflict resolution skills
- Anti-bullying strategies
- Emotional regulation
- Anger management
- Resilience
Undertaking the activities in the workbooks will help children
- Develop an understand of how emotions affect behaviour
- Develop a broader emotional vocabulary
- Understand the link between behaviour and consequences
- Learn the difference between reacting and responding
- Learn about the brain’s role in behaviour
- Learn more about themselves
- Learn strategies for managing behaviour
- Meet others who struggle with emotions or friendships like they do
- Have the opportunity to develop new friendships
- Practice group and social skills with other bright children
- Improve the emotional regulation necessary for school success
- Interact with others more positively
- Have fun.
Further Reading
- The Highly Sensitive Child – Elaine A. Aron
- Raising your Spirited Child – Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
- Setting Limits for Your Strong Willed Child – Robert J. MacKenzie
- Learned Optimism – Martin E P Seligman
- Helping the Child with Learning Disabilities find Social Success – Richard Lavoie