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What is gifted?
There are many definitions and models to explain what gifted means and there is no one option that is universally agreed upon. All of them do identify that giftedness is above average ability or potential that would mean the individual is able to think or act in one or more of the following domains of human ability: intellectual, creative, social and physical, in a way that is beyond what is typical for others their chronological age. Generally giftedness is the top 10 – 15% of the population in a range of different ability areas.
The most widely accepted model of giftedness and talent used in Australian School systems is the Gagne DMGT( Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent). The latest version of this was released in 2008.
Learn More about it Gagne_DMGT_Model
How do I know if my child or student is gifted?
There are a variety of ways of identifying giftedness in children or adults. It is generally recognised that a range of different observations and measures should be used this helps to reduce the chance of the giftedness being overlooked. The most commonly used objective tool is an IQ test but these too can miss some people due to their cultural bias and whether the person has a disability. Characteristics Checklists completed by parents, teachers, peers or the child them self are also very useful. Parents particular are very good identifiers of giftedness characteristics in their children. LEARN MORE
What are some of the common myths about giftedness? LEARN MORE VIDEO ABOUT MYTHS.
How do I get an assessment? We can help you with that LEARN MORE
What should I expect from an assessment? FAQ about gifted assessments
Are gifted and talented different?
Gifted is natural ability or potential distinctly above average ( top 10- 15%) and Talented is developed or trained skills that are distinctly above average (in the top 10%) in one or more areas of human performance.
The key to Gagne’s view of giftedness lies in the fact that it identifies outstanding potential rather than outstanding performance. Gagne suggests that these two terms should be used selectively to distinguish two different stages in a highly able student’s journey from high potential to high performance.
Can you be gifted but also have disabilities or difficulties?
Yes these leaners are referred to as twice Exceptional or GLD ( Gifted with a Learning Disability) –
LEARN MORE About Twice exceptional or GLD