Full day , part day and staff meeting training sessions can be designed to suit the professional learning needs of your school personnel. * School Policy & Program development * Identification * Differentiation * Independent Studies * Practical Classroom Provisions * Underachievement & Motivation * Social & Emotional Needs of G & T children * Home School * Partnerships * Giftedness in early childhood * Gifted Visual Spatial Learners * Gifted children with learning problems  Contact us to organise a PD session for your staff

Courses can be attended in real time via Zoom or as a prerecorded workshop to be done in your own time

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Professional Course Topics         

Educating Gifted and Talented Students 2 hours

This introductory program will build on your current understanding of gifted and talented education. It will address identification of gifted students and also a range of strategies to consider when designing a program for these students.

We will consider the 2018 ACT G & T policy requirements and how to address these

Underperforming Gifted Students 6 hours

Why do some gifted students underperform, struggling to demonstrate what they know, to focus and pay attention, to produce written work to the quality you would expect from speaking with them? This program will examine the

underlying reasons and useful strategies to support them. We will the look at

Visual Spatial Thinking System of many 2e learners, some who also have other conditions such as dyslexia, ADHD, ASD or

sensory processing difficulties. We will examine these and look at useful strategies for teachers

Educating young gifted students in pre-school 2 hours

This introductory program will support your current understanding of gifted and talented education. It will address identification of young gifted students and introduce a range of basic strategies to use with these students in the preschool setting

Bright but Struggling PD Workshop 2 hours

Do you know of students who are bright or gifted but struggling:

to demonstrate what they know to focus and pay attention, to produce written work to the quality you would expect from speaking with them?

This program will examine the underlying reasons and useful strategies to support them.

Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students  5 hours

This full day (5 accredited hours – 5 points) PD combines the 2 TQI accredited courses.  001806 School based Gifted and Talented Program and 001818 Gifted Education – Identification and teaching.

001806  This school based program provides the opportunity to identify the current ideas and understandings about who our gifted students are and how to meet their need. It will link current practice or understandings with research on best practice for gifted.

001818 Gifted students are not a homogeneous group, this program will explore in depth the many different characteristics we may see in gifted student and look at the variety of different approaches we need to employ to meet their educational and emotional needs.

Introduction to Educating Gifted and Talented Students 2 hours

This introductory program will support your current understanding of gifted and talented education. It will
address identification of gifted students and introduce a range of basic strategies to use with these students. This
course replaces 001059 and the content is very similar so it is not recommended that those who attended 001059 attend this course.

Gifted Education – Identification and teaching gifted students 2 hours

001818 Gifted students are not a homogeneous group, this program will explore in depth the many different characteristics we may see in gifted student and look at the variety of different approaches we need to employ to meet their educational and emotional needs.

Gifted and underachieving – Teaching strategies Workshop  3 hours

001656 Gifted and Underachieving – Strategies for the classroom

Do you know of students who are bright or gifted but struggling to demonstrate what they know, to focus and pay attention, to produce written work to the quality you would expect from speaking with them? This program will examine the underlying reasons and useful strategies to support them. Time will be spent discussing strategies and developing ways to adjust for the student’s strengths and weaknesses. It will also include a segment looking at ILP’s and how to use SMART goals with students in order to progressively work toward the longer term goals set an the ILP.

Understanding Visual Spatial Learners Workshop 3 hours

001901 – Understanding the Visual Spatial Thinking System of students with ASD, ADHD and Dsylexia. This will include a segment looking at ILP’s and how to use SMART goals with students in order to progressively work toward the longer term goals set at the ILP’s. This workshop goes beyond Bright But Struggling. There is no prerequisite.

Educating gifted and talented students – An introduction 3 hours

This introductory program will support your current understanding of gifted and talented education. It   will enhance your understanding of what is meant by ‘gifted’ and who are the gifted students and how to identify those students in your class and school. We with then consider a range of basic strategies to use to support these students. There will be opportunities for discussion and to share and learn from colleagues, to ask questions and to reflect on how you can implement what you learn into your practice.

Educating young gifted students in pre-school 3 hours

This introductory program will support your current understanding of gifted and talented education. It will address identification of young gifted students and introduce a range of basic strategies to use with these students in the preschool setting



Full details about dates, costs, times for one of our  TQI & NESA accredited current courses

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About the presenter

Helen Dudeney has a Masters in Adult Education, Certificate of Gifted Education (UNSW) and Diploma of Counselling. She was a lecturer in Gifted Education at Murdoch University in Perth from 2007 to 2014 and prior to that at Australian Catholic University – Strathfield.  She received recognition under the Vice Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence 2011 –being ranked in top 10% of university teaching staff based on student survey For 18 years she was a member of the NSW Association for Gifted and Talented Children Committee and held the position of President for 8 years and Events Co-ordinator for 12 years.   Helen is a regular presenter and attendee at State, National and International Gifted Conference.


Just thought I would give you an update on the SUCCESS of the Staff Development Day. The school is currently buzzing for Gifted and Talented! Thank you for your efforts, contribution, time, and the support that you have provided myself and the school community. Friday was fantastic and the staff are still communicating their pleasure in the day. This is never done after a staff development day and I am so glad that it had the impact that I thought it would. I appreciate everything you have done to support me and our programs are going to be all revised due to the presentation. My principal could not be happier and is looking realistically at what can be implemented into the school community to support these students. It has given me great direction for the rest of my time in this role this year. G & T co ordinator Catholic H.S. Sydney.