Over the past 30 years a wide range of research has been conducted in Australia looking at the giftedness and the educational needs of gifted children.
We are excited to offer the only FREE searchable data base access to this research and also to a range of other articles and books on giftedness.
To discover what the research and literature tell us about the area of giftedness that interests you visit the specially designed section of ACER Library Member’s Database.
This link contains all AEI research on gifted education from current and
previous three years (including things only available in print)
Plus older material on gifted education if it is available on-line.
It includes theses, journals articles (on-line, pay
per view, print only), conference papers, book chapters, etc. The material may be freely downloaded or available for purchase ( at users cost).
It is set it up so that it uses “google type searching”, this means words typed in the box are automatically ANDed together – you need to put them in
quotes to search for a phrase e.g. “gifted school” finds 2 records, gifted
school finds 461 records.
The AAEGT website also offers a PDF of abstracts of Australian Research