Mathematics and your gifted child – part 2

  My previous article looked at why we learn mathematics and how mathematics helps us develop our brain. In this article I will try to give you a few suggestions about resources to help your more able and less able children find joy in mathematics. There are many hundreds of resources both online and in […]

Mathematics and your gifted child – part 1

Why Learn Mathematics I often hear about how most mathematics we learn in school is useless. How many times have you seen a social media post mentioning how often they have used algebra since they left school, or who would ever buy 10 watermelons etc.? As a mathematics specialist I have often thought about that. […]

Perfectionism – frequently asked questions

We regularly get asked about how to assist children who are perfectionists, especially when this leads to procrastination or avoidance of any challenging new task. Here are some of the recurrent questions we get.   FLEXIBILITY We struggle with our child taking everything so literally – e.g. – When we are going on a trip […]


Many of the clients we see mention the problems they or their children have regarding sleep. For some it is difficulties with getting ready for bed, others find they lie awake for long periods of time before they fall asleep and others describe that while getting to sleep isn’t a problem, they often find themselves […]

A letter from a gifted student

My Dear Teacher, I looked forward to going to school for a long time. When my deep and never-ending curiosity and unimaginable questions wore out the grown-ups around me, I simply said to myself “My teacher will be able to answer all of my questions when I go to school…” When my imagination made the […]


We often hear about the need to build resilience in our children. What do we mean by resilience? Why is it important? How can we help our children become more resilient? Resilience is a word that means the ability to return to the original position or form after being bent, compressed or stretched. It also […]

How to be a Good Loser

One of the skills we should try to master in life is how to be gracious in defeat. It is highly likely that we will not always win. Some will get around this by not playing the game. But then miss out on all the fun. Very Young Children When a 3 year old doesn’t […]

What are Study Skills

WHAT ARE STUDY SKILLS? What are study skills and can they be learned? How much did you learn at school?  It was probably a few years ago – you can probably remember some of the things you learned, but maybe not as much as you should.  How did you cope with studying?  Did you deal […]

ADHD – What does it look like?

ADHD – What does it look like? Do you think your child has ADHD?  Your child may be inattentive in class, or fidgety.  Or perhaps they often do things without thinking about the consequences.  Perhaps they’ve been labelled “naughty” or “troublesome”. Your child may be high spirited or easily distracted because their thoughts are elsewhere, […]

What are Social Skills?

WHAT ARE SOCIAL SKILLS? We all want to be liked.  We may not all crave to be the most popular, but we do need friends, and it’s certainly something we want for our kids.  While some children seem to have a natural knack for jumping into a group and feeling right at home, some children […]