
We often hear about the need to build resilience in our children. What do we mean by resilience? Why is it important? How can we help our children become more resilient? Resilience is a word that means the ability to return to the original position or form after being bent, compressed or stretched. It also […]

Should I get my child assessed?

One of the most common questions we are asked is “Should I get my child assessed?” The answer to that question varies as everyone is different. It will depend on the individual needs of each family. There are a range of reasons why you may choose to have an assessment for your child. Our most […]

Birthdays with Gifted and Socially Challenged Kids

  Sometimes out brightest kids find they are rarely invited to a party or if they are, find they don’t have the social skills to “have fun” and “fit in” at these social gatherings. Problems that can arise include Not knowing what to say Saying inappropriate (but true) things Finding the food difficult – this […]